Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Cuz I havent posted in a while...

Simon's Cat 'Fly Guy'

Thursday, April 23, 2009

12th Night Pics

the director asked for 2 moving staircases... and my response was "uhh..."

so, i looked at the play for inspiration (go figure). I really attached myself to the gender play within 12th Night... i looked at art for shapes and color and styles, and then i found Georgia O'Keefe. Below are the fruits of my labor (ahh... forced creativity)

Pterodactyls Pics

i havent blogged about my shows in a long time... so i thought i would! well, kinda.. it wasnt really my idea, initially. but, whatevah!

Pterodactyls, by Nicky Silver, is about a really screwed up, abusive, denile ridden family that all end up dead, usually by their own personal modes of denile. The show turned out pretty good.. i hope you all enjoy!

*Lighting/Scenic/Photography: Kalliope Vlahos

guard turtle?

how fun is this?!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

what the f#ck year is this?!?

Look at the article i found...

Amazon.com has sparked outrage after removing books the online retailer deems "adult content" from its sales rankings to make the site more family friendly. The problem? Gay and lesbian books, including the children's tome Heather Has Two Mommies by Leslea Newman and a biography of Ellen DeGeneres, were de-listed.

Uh, I'd hardly slap Heather Has Two Mommies or anything written by or about Ellen DeGeneres as adult content, but clearly, Amazon.com simply labeled any book with gay or lesbian content as being adult in nature.

FYI: Titles such as Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson; The Dictionary of Homophobia: A Global History of Gay & Lesbian Experience edited by Louis-George Tin; and Radclyffe Hills' The Well of Loneliness were also among the hundreds of gay and lesbian books that were de-listed.

Now Amazon.com didn't stop selling these de-listed books. As noted above, the online retailer removed them from its sales rankings, which is not only a slap in the face to the LGBT community but is actually quite damaging for book sales as shoppers are oftentimes influenced by sales rankings.

Amazon.com insists that it didn't intentionally remove gay and lesbian titles from its sales rankings. A spokesperson for the company blames a computer "glitch" and says it will be fixed.
I believe that Amazon.com didn't purposely set out to censor gay and lesbian books. Still, the incident is disturbing because apparently someone at Amazon.com somewhere along the line must have plugged the keywords "gay" and "lesbian" into the program that removed adult content from Amazon.com's sales rankings, and it went unchecked.

Meanwhile, heterosexually-themed books with explicit sexual content including Playboy: The Complete Centerfolds and the graphic novel Lost Girls by Alan Moore were not de-listed.
So readers, what do you make of this controversy? Do you believe Amazon.com's claim that it unintentionally rated gay and lesbian books as adult content, and even if you do, does that make this incident any less upsetting?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Stonewall, part two

from The Advocate:

The Gay City News reports that at least 27 men were arrested for prostitution in eight porn shops in Manhattan in 2008. Since 2004 there have been 52 such arrests in eight difference businesses.

According to a statement by the group, the arrest is usually set up so that an attractive younger officer is sent out to approach middle-aged gay men. The officer allegedly entices the man to have sex. If the man agrees, the undercover officer says he wanted to pay the man for sexual favors, and then, before the man can accept or reject the transaction, he is surrounded by police to make an arrest.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

powerful words

"Missing:" A message video by UNICEF about Maternal Mortality from Big Yellow Taxi on Vimeo.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The best medicine

Do you have feelings of inadequacy?

Do you suffer from shyness?

Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist about Margaritas.

Margaritas are the safe, natural way to feel better and more confident about yourself and your actions.

Margaritas can help ease you out of your shyness and let you tell the world that you're ready and willing to do just about anything.

You will notice the benefits of Margaritas almost immediately and with a regimen of regular doses you can overcome any obstacles that prevent you from living the life you want to live.

Shyness and awkwardness will be a thing of the past and you will discover many talents you never knew you had. Stop hiding and start living, with Margaritas.

Margaritas may not be right for everyone. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not use Margaritas. However, women who wouldn't mind nursing or becoming pregnant are encouraged to try it.

Side effects may include:

- Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, incarceration

- Erotic lustfulness

- Loss of motor control

- Loss of clothing

- Loss of money

- Loss of virginity

- Table dancing

- Headache

- Dehydration

- Dry mouth

- And a desire to sing Karaoke

WARNING: The consumption of Margaritas may make you think you are whispering when you are not.

WARNING: The consumption of Margaritas may cause you to tell your friends over and over again that you love them.

WARNING: The consumption of Margaritas may make you think you can logically converse with other people without spitting.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

lol slightly graphic... well, if blown up condoms can be that...

Durex Get it On Viral

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Great Turtle Race

Fucking funny!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

What are we to do?

I am all for change. I mean really, do you know me?? I am all for fixing our economy. I am all for helping people stay in their homes. But.... how? How is the problem going to get fixed if all we're doing is throwing money (we do not have) at the problem? It's much like when a theatre production comes across a problem: the theatre with tons of money will just throw some at the issue until it goes away; the theatre with no money will figure out how the problem began and what steps need to be done (or re-done) to solve it.

Unfortunately, our country is not a theatre (although, sometimes....). But I do not see why we can't take the time to really see what went wrong and how we can fix it at the core level, and not just superficially (our economy is not a bum caster on a platform).

I don't really have an answer. I hope that our new people at the top do.... but.... i'm not really all that confident.

Friday, January 2, 2009

poor ella... she's nervous about her annual exam. i hope they warm up all the tools...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Holy Crap this is funny!!!

MADtv - I Kissed a Girl Spoof (Season 14 Episode 2)