Rated R... not for the faint of heart!
"The Hauntening" you have GOT to watch this!!
"The contemporary thing in art and literature is the thing which doesn't make enough difference to the people of that generation so that they can accept it or reject it." ~Gertrude Stein
"The Hauntening" you have GOT to watch this!!
Posted by
1:01 AM
Well, I watched it and had nightmares for weeks! It even effected my desire to cook! TRAGIC!!
jesus christ Kali.... LMAO... now i'm laughing. i was afraid to watch it at work 'cuz you said it was R rated. you misled me. yes, it was funny. tho not as funny to me as the waldo cartoon.
p.s. you big pouter, it's "revelation"
spelling errors may occure when a person is crying and pouting... so there! hrmph!
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